Construction of Gazli Underground Gas Storage is in full swing

Enter Engineering continues active work in the Bukhara region. A project is being implemented there to increase the volume of gas storage in Gazli underground storage facility in combination with supplementary exploration and further development of gas horizons and oil rims of the field. Within its framework, engineering, procurement and construction of facilities on a turnkey basis are carried out, which will ultimately provide expansion of the storage capacity up to 6 billion m3.
Today, planned construction, installation and commissioning works are ongoing at the field. In particular, a flare stack with reduction and ignition units 2-F 601 was delivered and installed. Installation of compressor units GPA-100, GPA-200 is underway. Works on connecting wells to Gas Gathering Station (GSP) at a number of start-up complexes have been completed.
Also, a number of service and process facilities are being built: the administrative and amenity building, staff canteen are being erected; foundations of the inlet manifold and gas treatment units for in-house needs, a warehouse for packed oil, laboratory and cable racks are being concreted. 355 specialists and 59 units of equipment are involved in the site.
It should be noted that the activities are carried out in the area with severe natural conditions. The climate of the region is characterized as sharply continental with little precipitation, strong winds, high temperature in summer and low temperature in winter. This brings a lot of additional difficulties to builders, imposes increased requirements to machines, equipment and quality of construction materials.
Implementation of the project at the field, which recently has celebrated its 65th anniversary, will help to compensate seasonal fluctuations in gas consumption by both the population and industrial enterprises. In addition, the produced raw materials are planned for using partially in the domestic market of Uzbekistan, especially in winter.