Charity event, dedicated to World Peace Day, September 21. Here, at Mekhribonlik Orphanage No. 30 in the Yashnabad district of Tashkent, there are 105 of them - the youngest are seven years old and the oldest are about to turn seventeen... One hundred and five souls who, since infancy, have had an ordeal of being different, of living differently. They are children with disabilities, but their limitations are only on a physical level, and otherwise they are just like all children: crave for attention, care, kindness, fun and love. And, most importantly, they have another inherent quality: they have a more subtle and profound sense of care, are able to fully immerse themselves in joyful moments and remember them for a long time ...

Luckily (and let us not be afraid of high-sounding words), there are dozens of special institutions for such children in our country, where all the conditions are created for their upbringing, comprehensive education, and harmonious moral and physical development. Yes, they may be to some extent deprived by fate of parental love, but they are by no means deprived of attention and care of the state, authorized organizations, various philanthropic companies and simply kind people.

The purpose of yet another charity event arranged by Enter Engineering Group of Companies jointly with the Main Department of Road Safety under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Department of Safe Tourism of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Tashkent and with the assistance of Humo Arena ice palace Administration and Enter Engineering Trade union committee was to hold an outdoor cultural and recreational activity for a group of 28 children from Mekhribonlik orphanage No. 30.

All organizational measures were aimed at ensuring the safety of the children and the quality implementation of the planned trip. After school, the children arrived at the Humo Arena, the largest sports and entertainment complex, on a comfortable bus,, where an employee-guide gave them an introduction to the ice palace. Following an interesting tour, the most entertaining part of the event started for the children: everyone put on their skates and went to the rink.

Children had a tremendous fun skating on the shining ice, and surely these happy moments will add up to their pleasant memories A no less interesting activity awaited them ahead, namely a ride on segways and electric cars.

Children's curiosity sparkled in their eyes, and especially the boys asked lots of questions about the operation of all this wonder vehicles, which were kindly answered by the Traffic Police and the Tourist Police.

After all the pleasant adventures, the children and their caregivers were invited to dinner, which was served at the Diet Café.

Before seeing our guests off, we presented them with memorable gifts on behalf of all company employees. The children expressed their gratitude for the organization of this very meaningful day for them, for the care and attention given with cheerful laughter and a joyful and humble "Thank you very much!".

The director of the orphanage, Feruza Sobitovna Usmonkhojaeva, called us a little later and warmly thanked the company and all participants of this event:
- The children arrived very happy and cheerful. Immediately they began to tell the other children about their impressions and showed them their gifts. Of course, we are fully supported by the state, and have everything we need. Our children are very capable, in addition to their basic education they learn handicrafts and cooking skills, the boys do crafts, sometimes their handicrafts are better than those of the teachers. The orphanage has 16 study clubs, including music and sports. Defectology teachers and trainers work intensively with children. We do everything to make sure that they do not feel deprived and find their place in life. Various institutions, including the Enter Engineering Group, are helping us tremendously. I express my gratitude to your company and I wish your company prosperity and great progress in all your projects.