Children are our happiness
On 26 May, the Humo Arena multifunctional ice complex hosted an awards ceremony for the winners and participants of the Rainbow of Talents contest for children of employees of Enter Engineering group of companies (UzLITI Engineering, Enter Steel, EMS and NSGD). Traditionally, the competition was to mark the occasion of the International Day for Protection of Children.

The contest is initiated and organized by the PR-department of the group of companies and is intended to develop creative potential among the younger generation and to discover new talents. The contest has become much loved among both children and their parents. This year, a record-setting number of 156 boys and girls participated in three age categories (ages 3 to 5, 5 to 8 and 8 to 13 (inclusive))!

“My son Kamil Kzhaziev took part in the contest for the second time,” told his mum, Aigul Khazieva, chief specialist of Enter Engineering “He sang a song “Krutitsya disk” (spinning the disc), which he had been rehearsing for a long time. It’s such a wonderful event! We enjoyed the ceremony and were very glad to see happy faces of the children”.
It was not so easy to choose the best dancers, singers, reciters and artists, as each performance/drawing is so bright, colorful, ingenuous and sincere. At the first stage, competent judges selected ten best works in each age category, which were then published in a dedicated telegram channel where everyone could cast their vote for the participants. In the end, all the prizes found their owners — a bicycle for 1st place, a scooter for 2nd and a Lego set for the 3rd.

“I've been going in for ballroom dancing for a few years now. I really like this contest and I was happy to take part in it for the third time. This year, I prepared several performances, samba and cha-cha-cha. I am so happy that the judges liked my performance and I took the first place!” shared her joy the 13 years old winner, Angelina Vorobyova.

The Rainbow of Talents contest never has any losers. Thanks to Enter Engineering, each child received a gift set: a unique encyclopedia, a cap and a T-shirt with the event logo, and of course, sweets.
The organizers would like to thank all the participants of the contest and wish each of them further success in creative pursuits!