The annual international charity Samarkand Marathon was hosted by Samarkand on November 5th and 6th. This sporting event is traditionally held on the first Sunday of November.
The marathon was organized by the Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State Committee for Tourism Development, and by the Khokimiyat of Samarkand Region. The key objectives of the race are to promote a healthy lifestyle and create an inclusive environment at cultural facilities. This year, the marathon was aimed at the adaptation of museums for visually impaired and blind visitors. The funds raised will be used to purchase audio guides, tactile paintings and special equipment.

3,305 runners from 40 countries participated in the Samarkand Marathon. The participants competed at distances of 42 km 195 m (marathon), 21 km 97.5 m (half marathon), as well as at 10 km and 2 km. A large number of corporate teams, among which shined the team of Enter Engineering Group of Companies consisting of 22 people, as well as children's race at KIDS RUN distances added a special vibe to the marathon.

The organizers did their best and arranged a very interesting cultural program as well, that includes a grandiose Therr Maitz concert on the Registan Square, in the evening of November 5th. And of course, traditional Samarkand Plov at Plov Party for all participants! On November 6th, the Chorsu Art Gallery hosted the junior participants of the marathon, where young Samarkand artists performed master classes and intro exhibition for their guests. Energetic music by Dj Panterov inspired the participants and created a festive atmosphere.

The runners from Enter Engineering participated in races at all distances. The tone was set by our experienced athletes with lots of sports achievements, among them Denis Mamabetov, Alisher Abdullaev, Oleg Parsegov, Zhamshid Kalandarov, Hilola Bahromova, Feruz Khodjaev and others. Finishers who reached the finish line within the certain time limit were awarded with the marathon commemorative medals.

The Trade Union Committee of the company contributed to the organization of the trip of the EE team and paid expenses for transfer and accommodation of our athletes.

It is noteworthy that Enter Engineering employees regularly participate in various sports competitions. And this fact demonstrates that the company greatly promote healthy lifestyle and physical culture. There are still a lot of starts ahead and our athletes are not going to stop at what they have achieved!
This sports and cultural fest is a great success!