Duathlon Championshipпо дуатлону
Enter Engineering employees continue their active participation in various sports competitions.

The Uzbekistan Duathlon Championship for young people and amateurs held on the first day of April in the Yangi Uzbekiston capital park and run on the adjacent streets became another start for fans of cyclic sports.

Dozens of amateur athletes, including representatives of Enter Engineering Denis Mambetov, Mikhail Zarubin, Oleg Parsegov and Ilyas Timerkhanov, came to the start of the competition, which included two running legs of 5 and 3 kilometres, and a cycling leg of 20 kilometres.

“We are happy to participate in this championship, and the April weather is favorable, said Ilyas Timerkhanov, the participant of the competition. This time, due to various reasons, including technical issues, our representatives have not managed to win. For example, I had a puncture in my rear wheel during the cycling leg. Nevertheless, we are not discouraged, we’ve got a great energy boost and good mood. Now we will prepare for the next starts, including the Asian Triathlon Cup”.

The championship once again demonstrated the wonderful sporting traditions established in the company and became a good example for those who are just going to actively engage in sports.