Ethnosports festival
Ethnosports Festival was held in ancient and unique Khiva from September 7 to 10 .

This large-scale event, held for the first time in our country, was attended by representatives of UNESCO, TURKSOY, the World Ethnosport Confederation (WEC) and its member states, as well as about 930 national sports athletes from 63 countries, which clearly demonstrated the high interest and attention to the festival around the world. The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev addressed to the participants with a big welcoming speech , noting the enormous importance of the event in the development of national sports in our country. Also, among the honored guests there was Necmettin Bilal Erdogan, son of Recep Erdogan,Turkish President.

The festival included conferences, exhibitions, competitions in various national sports and many other events. One of them was the V World Mas-Wrestling Championship, participated by 175 athletes from 16 countries. For three days they competed in three age groups: men and women, boys and girls, male and female veterans.

Mas-wrestling, or tug-of-war with stick, is one of the national sports that has recently gained great popularity in many countries. Its essence is that the competitors sit opposite each other, resting their feet on the board dividing the competition area, and pull a wooden stick, trying to keep it parallel to the board. This sport requires a lot of muscle strength from the arms, legs, back and abdominals. The fight lasts until two victories of one of the wrestlers in two or three rounds. Victory in a bout is counted if one of the wrestlers managed to pull over the opponent or if the opponent released the stick.

It is worth mentioning that our team, whose sponsors included Enter Engineering, performed well in the tournament and took third overall team place, winning 1 gold, 4 silver and 16 bronze medals. It is gratifying that among the winners there was the representative of our company Akhrorzhon Erkinov , who won one of the bronze medals.

“I’m glad that I participated in the championship and was able to honorably represent Uzbekistan and Enter Engineering ,” noted tournament winner Akhrorzhon Erkinov . “The award is all the more pleasant because it was won in a difficult fight against strong, experienced opponents. I hope to improve my results in the future and will try to become a world champion”.
We wish our athletes further success in sports!

Желаем нашим спортсменам дальнейших спортивных успехов!