Industrial capacity is being expanded


The new free economic zone "Karakul" in Bukhara region is designed to become a sectoral cluster for the development of high-tech industries. Enter Engineering Group is building an industrial giant here - Gas Chemical Complex based on MTO technology, as well as implementing a major project - Enter Steel Karakul Machine-Building Plant.

The new plant will be the third such enterprise, the other two already operating in the Tashkent region in the cities of Yangiyul and Almalyk. It is planned to produce a wide range of import-substituting products. At present, the construction of two Enter Pipe plants has been completed, with modern processing lines for the production of pipes of different sizes installed in its workshops, equipment commissioning is being carried out, and certification is being actively pursued. 

— The plant is planned to produce pipes with a diameter of 89-1420 mm, as well as pipe assemblies and sector bends," said Shokhrukh Zokirov, Leading Specialist of Enter Engineering's Mechanical Engineering Directorate. - They will be mainly supplied for the construction needs of GCC MTO, but all products have a wide range of applications and can be used for main oil, gas and water pipelines.

Prasenjit Roy, Manager, Mechanical Engineering Directorate, Enter Engineering, spoke to us about the features of the manufacturing start-up:

"Enter Pipe's two pipe plants will be part of Enter Steel Karakul's machinery plant complex. The first large-diameter welded steel pipe plant is in the commissioning phase. Production is expected to commence in the next two months. The second plant is designed to produce two sizes of smaller diameter welded steel pipes. Their total expected capacity will be 120 thousand tons per year. This amount will not only cover the needs of Enter Engineering, but also provide the Uzbek domestic market with products that were previously imported from abroad. Also, 370 working places will be created"

The commissioning of the large-diameter pipe plant is currently being finalized. In particular, hydro-testing is being carried out, which serves as a final check on the integrity of the constructed system. Delivery of the last units ordered for the production lines - cooling systems for the pipe heat treatment equipment as well as for the induction welding equipment - is also expected shortly. In addition, training of operating personnel has commenced, which is conducted in parallel with practical training directly with the equipment.

Commissioning of Enter Pipe plants will be a significant contribution to the development of both the Bukhara region and the economic progress of the whole Republic.


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