A press tour to CPP-3 was held


Enter Engineering is implementing a large-scale project to build a copper processing plant (CPP-3) for Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine.

In order to familiarise the general public with the activities of AMMC and the progress of works on the construction of CPP-3, a press tour was held, organised by the information service of the combine and Enter Engineering, which was attended by journalists from print media, television and internet channels. During the event, the participants visited the new facilities of the Combine, as well as the construction site of the copper concentrator. In particular, the journalists toured the production workshops under construction, which will process 60 million tonnes of ore per year.

"After commissioning, the copper processing plant will become the largest enterprise in the industry, having no analogues not only in the Central Asian region, but also far beyond its borders. The most advanced raw material processing technologies and environmental standards will be introduced here. Currently, the industrial equipment is being installed, significant human and technical resources of Enter Engineering are involved and in June-July commissioning works will be carried out, and by the end of the year we plan to carry out the first launch of the production process", - said the project manager Alexander Vershkovsky.

Journalists were able to see the process of construction and installation works with their own eyes and to feel the power and size of the future industrial giant in close proximity.

"The scale of the project is truly amazing. Within the framework of basic engineering, which was carried out by the best world companies, the main facilities of the metallurgical complex were designed: copper smelting units, sulphuric acid shop, copper electrolysis shop, slag enrichment plant, concentrate storage and preparation warehouse. A master plan of the enterprise was developed. The main technological solutions have been defined. For example, the plant laboratory will be equipped with the most advanced instruments and stands, which will allow analysing ore composition, adjusting processes and coordinating the output of finished products. In addition, the maximum level of production automation will be achieved,’ said Alexander Vershkovsky.

The event also highlighted the relevance of this project, which is that the cathode copper produced by the plant is the main raw material for enterprises of the electrical industry in Uzbekistan. The new production facilities will contribute to the growth of production of finished copper products (cables, pipes, foil, fittings) with high added value. In addition, more than 6,000 new jobs will be created once the complex - the Yoshlik I mine and copper processing plant - is commissioned.


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