Highlights Sumalak Party


On this sunny day, the courtyard of Bunyodkor office was completely transformed: it was painted with bright colours of national Uzbek suzane and ikat, filled with the aroma coming from cauldrons and the sounds of national music, turning into a place to meet old friends and meet new colleagues.


The Sumalak Party event, jointly hosted by Eriell, Enter Engineering, Saneg, TEG and Eriell Well Solutions, on 18 April was one of the most memorable events of this spring.

The party attracted many guests, each of whom could personally participate in the preparation of sumalak, a dish symbolising the coming of spring and the renewal of nature. The employees of the companies, many of whom were dressed in national costumes, gathered to stir the brewing delicacy in one of the six cauldrons and, according to tradition, to make a wish, which added a special flavour to the event.

The tables were laden with treats, sweets and fruit, and the guests were entertained by the Rubai dance group, illusionist Khushnud Ali Ibn Mahmud and host Bakhodir. The audience also saw various performances - a lyrical number with white doves, exotic dance with a boa constrictor, acrobats and gymnasts surprised with their skills. Karnay-surnai from the ensemble ‘Zarb sadosi’ and DJ Cool will be remembered by the guests with rousing melodies, and at the end of the event all the audience joined the rhythm of the disco. The event was not without interactivity - a group of rosta dolls gave everyone an opportunity to take part in a funny photo shoot.


The preparation of sumalak turned into a bright celebration and allowed people to leave their workdays for a while, immersing themselves in the atmosphere of the holiday, woven from the spirit of tradition and modernity.

The next day, 2,650 people were able to enjoy the delicacy they had prepared together the day before. 

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