«Rainbow of talents»: a festival of children's creativity


On the eve of the International Children's Day, according to a good tradition, the PR Department of Enter Engineering Group together with the Trade Union Committee held a children's art contest ‘Rainbow of Talents’.

This unique event, which took place for the fourth time already, gives an opportunity to children of employees to show their abilities and tell about their favourite hobbies.


This year's competition attracted a record number of participants - 184 children from different regions of Uzbekistan. Among them were also children of foreign employees. The contestants were divided into three age categories: 3-5 years old, 6-8 years old and 9-13 years old. It should be noted that it was not easy for the jury members to select the 15 best entries, including graceful gymnastic numbers, beautiful drawings, touching poems and fables, rousing dances and melodious songs. The next stage was an open voting, in which anyone could vote for their favourite participant and thus determine the winners and prize-winners.

On the 23rd of May the awarding ceremony took place in the press centre of MLK ‘Khumo Arena’, which became a real holiday for children and their parents. Each young talent received a memorable gift, and the winners and runners-up in the nominations were awarded valuable prizes - tablets, smartphones and wristwatches.

Shining eyes of boys and girls, happy smiles and sincere joy from the gifts received were the best reward for the organisers on that day. The event united the families of Enter Engineering Group employees, giving a lot of positive impressions.

"I love this contest very much! I participate in the ‘Rainbow of Talents’ for the fourth time. I study at a music school and chose a song for my entry. This time I took first place, which I am very happy about, thank you very much for the organisation, everything was great!" - Timur Ergashev, the winner in the 6-8 years old category, shared his impressions.

Invaluable assistance in the preparation of the competition and purchase of gifts was provided by the trade union committee of Enter Engineering, as well as UzLITI Engineering:
"It is not the first year that the Rainbow of Talents has become an important event in the life of our company. We are happy to see the children of employees unlock their creative potential and we are very pleased to support such initiatives that contribute to the creation of a warm and friendly atmosphere in our company,’ commented Bobir Kenjaev, Chairman of Enter Engineering Trade Union Committee.

We heartily congratulate all the contestants, thank them for their activity and look forward to new wonderful works next year! May the ‘Rainbow of Talents’ continue to illuminate the lives of young stars with bright colours and inspiration!

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