Special attention to quality assurance


In the activity of Enter Engineering Group of Companies the issues of maintenance of the highest quality standards of all works carried out - from construction to production of industrial products - are among the priorities.

A striking example of activity in this direction is Enter Steel machine-building plant, where for a short period of time an integral system of quality control at all stages of production - from selection of raw materials to transfer of finished products to customers - has been created.

One of the main places in this activity is given to the Central Plant Laboratory (CPL). Modern control and diagnostic equipment is installed here, highly qualified personnel work here. All this ensures a high level of conducted research for compliance of products with the required quality criteria.

The next step in improving the efficiency of the laboratory was to obtain accreditation and certificate of conformity with O'z DSt ISO/IEC 17025:2019 (ISO/IEC 17025:2017, IDT) (state register number O'ZAK.SL.0349, valid until 01.05.2029).

- The purpose of the laboratory is to meet customer requirements by ensuring a high level of quality of manufactured products,’ said Javlon Mirhamidov, Head of Laboratory at Enter Steel Machine Building Plant. - The CPL is fully equipped with modern testing equipment and qualified personnel. This allows us to obtain reliable and accurate results in accordance with the scope of accreditation. At the present time such tests as visual measuring inspection (VMI), ultrasonic inspection, ultrasonic thickness measurement, capillary inspection, static tensile (tearing) of steel, impact and static bending of steels are carried out. Our staff involved in non-destructive testing methods are level 2 and have obtained certificates of compliance for all NDT methods, having taken special training courses to enable them to work to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 standards.

In addition, in order to obtain accreditation, the CPL staff has been trained in courses on calculation of measurement uncertainty in the laboratory taking into account decision rules, verification and validation of methods in testing laboratories according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, as well as training on laboratory competence assessment according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

- Obtaining accreditation in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025-2019 testing standard sets new requirements for competence, impartiality and stable functioning of the laboratory,’ explained Zhavlon Mirhamidov. - It was developed primarily to strengthen confidence in the conducted research, which opens new opportunities for the company to further improve the quality of products, as well as to increase the authority of Enter Steel among consumers.

We wish the laboratory team new labour successes and positive mood!

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