ENPIPE: production of pipe products commenced


The national industrial base was enriched with another modern enterprise. The ENPIPE pipe production plant started its operations in the Karakul spare economic zone.

The ENPIPE project was implemented within the framework of the strategy of building a complex of auxiliary plants localised in close proximity to industrial facilities, defined in the State ‘Programme of Localisation of Production of Finished Products, Components and Materials’.

The plant, erected on an area of 52.5 thousand m2, is planned to produce 300 thousand tonnes of metal pipes with a diameter of 89 mm-1420 mm per year. Production will be carried out using technological equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. 400 new jobs will be created.

The production process of pipes is based on the direct seam method, which improves resistance to high pressure and external influences. Previously, these products had to be imported from abroad, which increased their cost.

At the current stage, the plant's products will be used in the construction of the gas chemical complex of the MTO, as well as facilities of the Karakul FEZ and its residents. In the future, it is planned to supply pipes to enterprises of the domestic oil, gas and chemical industries, agriculture, construction sector and other consumers.

The activity of the plant will also allow to solve a number of economic and social issues in Bukhara region and adjacent regions of Uzbekistan. First of all, there will be a reduction in the investment cost of implemented projects due to optimisation of logistics costs and continuous construction and installation process. In addition, a significant social effect is expected: hundreds of new jobs, attraction and training of young specialists, additional tax deductions, and the emergence of modern infrastructure.

It is worth noting that the ENPIPE pipe production plant was recently visited by the head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev as part of his visit to Bukhara. He familiarised himself with the new workshops and the specialists working here, noting the high significance of the new facilities being built, which are designed to bring the region to the ranks of industrial leaders.


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