A training workshop took place


The trade union committee of Enter Engineering Pte. Ltd. is carrying out systematic work to ensure safety, preservation of life, health and labour capacity of employees.

In particular, joint efforts of the administration, HSE Department and trade union committee have organised a system of periodic control of occupational safety, an obligatory part of which is public supervision on site by trade union cells. For this purpose, commissioners have been elected at the projects, whose duty is to monitor the condition of production and office premises and equipment on a daily basis, detecting faults and deficiencies that may lead to injuries or occupational diseases of employees.

Training sessions and seminars are organised to improve the professional competencies of the stewards. One such event was held on 20-21 June at the project base of the WTO gas chemical complex in the Karakul district of Bukhara Region. It was organised by the EE trade union committee, the Republican Council of the Trade Union of Energy, Oil and Gas and Geology Workers, the Bukhara Regional Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan and TEXNOSFERA XAVFSIZLIGI. It was attended by about 30 employees of the trade union committee apparatus, chairmen of shop-floor trade union committees and labour protection commissioners.

During the seminar a wide range of issues was discussed, including the rights and duties of commissioners for labour protection, public control over safety at work, as well as the activities of shop-floor trade union committees, the rules of issuing vouchers to members of the trade union organization in sanatoriums and children's health camps and much more. At the end of the event the participants were awarded certificates in a solemn atmosphere. Also, certificates of honour in connection with the fifth anniversary of the trade union committee of Enter Engineering Pte. Ltd. were awarded to chairmen and activists of shop floor trade union committees.

The seminar ended with an excursion to the historical sights of Bukhara. The participants visited Chor-Bakr necropolis, mausoleum of Bahauddin Naqshband, old town Labi-Hauz, Kalyan minaret.


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