Memorandum of Cooperation has been signed


The Enter Engineering Group of Companies works purposefully to train promising personnel from among the student youth, within which close cooperation with relevant domestic universities has been established.

The next stage in this direction was the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the FIE “UzLITI Engineering” LLC  and a branch of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Technological University "MISIS" in Almalyk.

Memorandum signed by the director of the project center S. Rozikhodjaev and the Head of the University F. Umarov suggests the organization of mutually beneficial cooperation aimed at training highly qualified specialists with modern engineering competencies who are able to integrate into a complex production process from the student's bench, as well as professional development of design and technical workers for UzLITI Engineering.

Speakers at the event noted that the document defines the areas of interaction related to the organization of personnel training in the field of mining and other related industries within the regulatory period for the development of academic disciplines (modules) of the educational program and practical classes. At the same time, the importance will be given to short-term training or lecture courses, professional seminars, business games, trainings, master classes, summer schools in areas of interest or academic disciplines. The plans also include the organization of academic mobility of students, postgraduates and teaching staff, the passage of industrial, educational, laboratory, scientific practice or internships for students and teachers. In addition, it is planned to conduct joint scientific or scientific and technical research.

At the end of the event, both sides expressed the opinion that the signing of the memorandum will be the start of a long and fruitful cooperation, which will be eventually fruitful — the specialists capable of solving the most difficult production tasks and contributing to the development of the economy and industry of Uzbekistan will be trained! 


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