Taking care of the children


Every year, the Enter Engineering trade union committee carries out purposeful work on organizing summer holidays and health improvement for the children of the company's employees.

The trade union organization of the company makes every effort to ensure that children get stronger physically, improve their health and spend their holidays in an interesting way. This year, the trade union committee assisted in the purchase of vouchers to the children's health camps Sokol, Ugam, and Zangoriolov, located in Bostanlyk district of Tashkent region and Lochin (Shakhrisabz district of Kashkadarya region). In total, 57 vouchers were allocated, totaling more than 150 million UZS. Their cost was reimbursed at the expense of the unified social payment, parental contributions, as well as at the expense of the budget of the trade union committee.

The chairmen and activists of the guild trade union committees actively participated in the organization of children's recreation on projects that helped in collecting applications from employees who want to send their children to summer camps. 

It is worth noting that all the camps are located in the picturesque mountain corners of the Tashkent and Kashkadarya regions, where the natural landscape, fresh air and wonderful living conditions allowed boys and girls to have an interesting and meaningful time and get a powerful boost of cheerfulness and good mood.

Every day of the camp shift was full of interesting events and exciting activities. The cultural and entertainment program included various contests and sports competitions, there were clubs and interest sections — needlework, photography, dance, vocals and others. Experienced teachers and tutors worked with the children. Colorful concerts, discos, and movie screenings on the big screen were regularly held for young vacationers. For those who prefer quiet leisure, libraries and reading rooms, computer classes functioned.

It is safe to say that thanks to the assistance of the Enter Engineering trade union committee, the children of the company's employees will meet the new school year rested and full of energy!

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