Food should be tasty and healthy


The Enter Engineering Group of Companies takes great responsibility for providing quality living conditions for employees at projects, including three hot meals a day. Sayohat-travel LLC is engaged in organizing work in this area.

Abaev Komil Sobirzhanovich, regional manager of Sayohat-travel LLC, told us about how the company's specialists work in the Surkhandarya region.

— Komil Sobirzhanovich, tell us how your business operates.


— Our task is to provide each Enter Engineering employee with quality, tasty and nutritious food. We work on all projects located in the region, the largest of which is the Baysun Gas Processing Plant. In total, we have 10 points, 5 of which are stationary canteens at shift camps, and 5 are temporary at individual sites. There are 110 employees on staff — cooks, kitchen workers and storekeepers. We can feed up to 4,500 people at a time.

— How is the menu formed, what factors are taken into account?


— We receive an approved menu, which already specifies the range of breakfasts, lunches and dinners by days of the week. I would like to note that it includes a variety of dishes, such as pilaf, goulashes, porridges, soups, as well as butter, eggs and others. The total nutritional value of the daily diet is from 3,000 to 4,200 calories, depending on the season. We receive products centrally twice a week, and ensure their proper storage in the warehouse. We begin preparing food the day before — a daily report comes from the commandant of the shift camp, in accordance with which we receive the necessary products from the warehouse, and the cooks get to work.


— There are many foreign specialists working on the projects, are their taste preferences taken into account?


— Yes, of course, we have two canteens that serve employees from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Philippines. Here, specially trained chefs prepare national cuisines using the appropriate products and authentic seasonings.

— How is the quality control of the prepared food organized?


— Quality control is a priority task. Every day, before the distribution begins, health protection specialists from the HSE department sample the dishes, check the hygienic condition of the kitchen and draw up an inspection report. Only after this does the food reach the tables.

We wish the employees of Sayohat-travel LLC successful work and a good mood!

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